FullStack Web  Developer

About Me.

Hi, I'm Cheris Patel, an excitable fullstack web developer working from India. I'm very fascinated about coding. For the past 10 years, Apart from web developement I'm very interested in Astronomy and Gaming.

    fullName: "Cheris Patel",
    title: "Web Developer",
    currentlocation: "Gujarat, IN",
    likes: [
        "Nerdy Jokes"
    afewThingsIKnow: [

Get in touch

If you want to work together, have an idea or simply want to say hello, then hit me up at

Related Work
Project 1

Online Judge

MERN stack where you can solve different types of coding problems and also create your own problem. There is dashboard where you can see your statistics like Number of Accepted Answers, Wrong Answers and Compilation Error.

Javascript Node React nginx mongodb Docker
Project 2

Stack Underflow

Question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers based on MERN stack with Realtime Post comment and Answer Fetch.

Javascript Node React graphql mongodb
Project 3

Trosh - URL Shortener

TROHS is a FREE Custom URL Shortener and beautifier. Which help you to create and share branded and beautiful links and track your audience. Includes FREE QR code with each link and also provide easy social media sharing on just one click.

Javascript HTML5 CSS3 PostgreSQL django jquery

Other Projects
Chat Application made up using React as frontend and Nodejs as backend. Used socket io to send and receive chat message.
Simple shopping app made up using HTML CSS and php Used mysql database also performed authentiation and transaction of item purchase.
Canvas is vscode extension which is like paint in vscode with some limited functionality.
Simple blog website created using HTML CSS as frontend and Nodejs as backend and mongodb as database